We often receive emails from antique pottery collectors who are seeking appraisals on their Roseville or other antique pottery. Some collectors are just interested in finding out what they have; while others are seeking an art pottery appraisal in order to accurately price their item for resale. Other collectors are seeking art pottery appraisals to determine their item’s value for insurance purposes or for other reasons. Many antique pottery collectors tell us that the availability of the Internet has drastically changed pricing for Roseville pottery as well as many other types of vintage pottery. Not only has the Internet changed pricing it has also really helped to redefine what is really rare for Roseville or any other antique art pottery. When seeking a Roseville pottery appraisal or an appraisal on any type of art pottery it is important to find an appraiser who is familiar with your type of art pottery. The Internet has also created a new market for online appraisals. There are now many reputable appraisers who can do online pottery appraisals on Roseville, Rookwood, and many other types of art pottery. We recommend that when seeking an online art pottery appraisal that collectors find an appraiser that is a member of the Association of Online Appraisers. The Association encourages professionalism and ethical conduct in all online art pottery appraisals. Look here to see our preferred art pottery appraiser View the Association of Online Appraisers website here