There are many excellent art pottery related books that have been published over the years. Some of the better art pottery reference books are out of print but are available in the secondary market from time to time. Other excellent art pottery reference books are available at bookstores or many antique pottery dealers. At Roseville Pottery Plus we are often asked what are the best pottery books for new collectors of antique pottery. Obviously there is no right answer to that question because each collector of antique art pottery has different goals and objectives in their pottery collecting. For example, Roseville Pottery collectors should probably have a copy of Mark Bassett’s Introducing Roseville Pottery and Understanding Roseville Pottery in their pottery book library. Most Roseville pottery collectors should probably have a copy of Gloria Mollring’s Roseville Pottery Price Guide. The Mollring Roseville price guide is probably the most accepted pricing reference available for Roseville pottery. The guide provides prices for each and every shape and each standard color for every pattern of Roseville pottery. Visit our recommended resource for art pottery reference books